Saturday, November 18, 2006

RevGalBlogPals Friday Five: Thankful

It's that time of year. In the U.S., college students will be on their way home, traffic on the highways will be at its highest point, cooking and baking will ensue. But before the gorging and napping begins, let's take a moment to give thanks.

Please tell us five things or people for which you are thankful this year.

1. God. That pretty much covers it. God's love, providence, patience, grace...all that God is and all that God lavishes on me and on us all.

2. Community. My congregation and each and every member of "us." It is a joy I have trouble describing to be a part of the body of Christ.

3. Pets. As much as I have fun with their cat blogging, portraying them as egomaniacal superior beings, my Rosie and Jenny are dear companions, dependent solely on me, and they give far better than they sometimes get from me. They are a means of God's love and grace to me.

4. Beauty. I love the beauty of the created world (particularly of my much-missed home state, Oregon--the Portland Japanese Gardens is featured in the opening photo). I love the beauty of music and art, of logic and creativity, of sense and sound. (I might as well post the text of the hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth.")

5. Friends. I count those I know "in the flesh" and those I've been privileged to meet online. To all of you, your friendship is one of life's sweetest blessings. I am grateful to you.

Bonus. CHOCOLATE! Thanks for the yum, God!

"Lord of all, to Thee we raise this, our hymn of grateful praise."


Unknown said...

What a luscious photo!
And I'm with you on the chocolate.

Unknown said...

Great thankful 5 post.
Um is there a hymn to God about chocolate?